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Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Knitting Resolutions

Happy New Year's Eve!

In honor of today I thought I would take the time to think about some new year's resolutions for my knitting and my blog. I also want to encourage you to think about your own new year's resolutions for your own knitting. Is there a stitch you always wanted to learn? Do you have unfinished projects that have been cast aside? Is there something you have always wanted to make? If you answered yes to any of the following questions than this is the blog for you and the year to make a knitting resolution. There is so much I have wanted to accomplish with my own knitting, but I always seem to be able to find an excuse for why now is not the time. I think we can all relate to making excuses, but I want this year to be our year, we WILL come out on top.

For 2011, I am making two New Year's Knitting Resolutions, or NYKR for short. As I mentioned in the last post there is so much that I hope to accomplish for this blog and its readers. I was hoping to already have everything worked out and to just be able to blog away at a regular interval, but life always seems to happen. This year there will be no more excuses. I will transform this blog into everything I had ever hoped it to be. However, until then please excuse the scrambled mess of everything. Hopefully I will have everything worked out by the end of January. I will post more about these changes in a little while, but first my second NYKR.

My second New Year's Knitting Resolution is to knit more charity projects. I subscribe to many charity knitting websites, blogs, etc, but I have to admit that I have not done my part. I have started a few projects, but always ended up on a project for a friend or family member.  But after all the knitting I did for everyone in 2010, I am making 2011 about those who really need it. Specifically I am looking into charity knitting for the military and for various ages at the local children's hospital. These are two charities that personally touch my heart the strongest, but they are not the only charities I intend on helping this year.

I know some of you have been wondering what 2011 has in store for this blog, especially in light of all this transformation talk. I am really excited about some of the changes I am going to make. First I will be posting many more patterns up that will be available for download. I will also be re posting the Getting Started booklet for beginning knitters and the Inside My Knitting Bag graphic, which will hopefully help new knitters. I will also readdress various pattern stitches and post written instructions for them as well. I am also going to change pattern identification as well.

Patterns will be listed according to three categories: One Day Wonders (ODW), Weekend Adventures (WA), and Commitment Junky (CJ). Projects are not included in the sections based on physical working time lapsed between beginning and end. I have found that most people are unable to knit for more than a couple of hours at a time. Thus, the sections are divided according to how much one can accomplish while also doing other things. One Day Wonders are projects that take a  day or less to complete. These projects will typically be projects that you can complete in a few hours. Weekend Adventures take a little more time, but are not necessarily more complex, just longer. Commitment Junky projects are projects that you have to commit to, which may be anywhere from a week to a couple of months. I understand that all knitters knit differently, but these projects are divided according to the theory that you will only be able to knit a few hours a day.

There are two more changes I would like to make to the blog, but I am not 100% sure if I will actually make the changes. First, I am looking into recording some video tutorials that will feature One Day Wonder projects as well as stitch explanations. I do not know if I will have enough time to record, edit, and post these videos, but it is something I would like to be able to offer. I also would like to extend this blog to include all crafts, not just knitting, because I know many of us are crafty in all parts of our life. Personally I do many crafts and I would like to make it available to other people as well.  Anyways, I better get back to work, but I wanted to include you all in this process. I should hopefully be able to post a project up later on today or tomorrow.

So, how about you? What are some of your NYKRs? Please feel free to post them in the comment section listed below. I believe knitters, as all people, should encourage and help others accomplish their goals.

Happy New Year's and Happy Knitting!!!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Bring on the New Year

It is only a few days before everyone rings in the new year. The year 2011 promises to be many things, but for me I hope 2011 is the beginning of something new and wonderful. As a part of the new year I am reinventing this blog and I hope to make the content accessible to more people.

Part of ringing in a new year is remembering the past year in all its glory and pain. This year has seen many ups and downs in both the world and my personal life. I have had to part ways with a few loved ones and watched a few more struggle to survive. I have also had the pleasure of witnessing the birth of new life, which is always a wonderful blessing.

This year has also been a big year for my knitting and other crafts. I must have lost my mind because I decided this year I would knit almost all of my Christmas gifts and crochet a few others. I knit four scarves for my boyfriend's family, with a special cheerleader pocket scarf for his sister. I also made a wonderful pair of slipper socks for his grandpa. I still need to sew the leather soles on the bottom, but I wasn't able to get the leather tools until a few days ago. For my own family, I knit an afghan for my mom using various shades of purple Homespun yarn and crocheted a pair of matching slippers. I also crocheted a pair of white slippers with hot pink fur interior soles.

This might not seem like a lot, but combined with being a full time student at UC Davis I have been very busy. Plus I made an afghan for my boyfriend on our second year anniversary back in April. This year has def finitely been a very productive year in knitting. I still have several more projects to complete. Such as finishing the right hand on a pair of gloves, baby booties for my cousin's baby, and a baby blanket for an old friend. Not to mention finally putting some more of my ideas into work.

My number one piece of advice for the new year? PLAN!!! I cannot say it enough: PLAN!!! Planning is the best thing a person can do, whether they knit or not, to relieve stress and keep knitting a relaxing experience. I started my Christmas knitting in late June/early July, which eased my stress tremendously until I abandoned my planned pace and waited until a week before Christmas to finish all of my knitting projects. Fortunately I had finished 3 of the scarves during the summer and most of the afghan and slippers. It was not the quantity of work that proved to be stressful, but the emotions of trying to rush to finish.

My biggest regret of Christmas knitting? Not taking pictures of my work. I have been trying to document all of my crafts because I would really like to be able to expand my crafting business. But I was so busy knitting and rushing to finish so I could wrap them up and give them away that I never took the time to stop and take pictures. Live and learn I guess.

I hope next year is the start of my crafting success and proves fruitful in expressing both my recorded ideas and desire to use my knitting for good. I started knitting gloves for the serviceman, but I hope to extend this to include the neonatal unit at my local hospital as well as many others.

Best of luck in the next year! Happy Holidays and Happy Knitting!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Been MIA 4 awhile but have lots of new ideas & cant wait 2 start posting again on a regular basis. Need needles quick? Substitute pencils 4 needles in a bind.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Fractured foot + crutches for 6 weeks = not getting much done. My arms & hands are bruised badly so not able to knit. :'( Happy knitting to those that can.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Make your own yarn:
Cut up old plastic bags into strips, tie strips together (end to end), and wind into ball. Great way to recycle bags. :)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Amazing = Chocolates and Knitting

This week has been a long weeek and unfotunately it is only Tuesday. I have been very busy trying to deal with various nuisances. I have spent many hours trying to sort out the issues with my Comcast account and many more hours helping my dad remember everything he needs for his roadtrip on Thursday. I have also been juggling school work as well as preparing for graduation later this year. I am both excited and nervous for upcoming events. There is still much I need to think about and do with regards to my future.

Now for the few exciting events of this week. First I bought a new knitting book off of Amazon, which is where I whole-heartedly reccommend you get your knitting books. The sellers are really reliable and the book arrived really fast (~2 days). :) The book is Holiday Knits. I actually blogged about this book a few weeks ago, but will joyfully remind my readers of its contents.

Holiday Knits is a delightful book comprised of various knitting projects chosen with Christmas in mind, but that can actually be used year-round. I especially like that the authors, Allison Isaacs and Sara Lucas, divided the book into three sections: short weekend projects, week-long projects, and longer projects lasting 2 weeks or more. There are gifts for everyone from scarves to pillows along with pages of great advice. I will not give more away as I want this wonderful book to be a terriffic surprise.

Secondly, Ghiradelli chocolates is an amazing chocolate company. I was able to get 2-5 shipping for $4.95 along with a wonderfully wrapped box, which kept the chocolates from becoming warm. I was positively delighted over the wrapping, but also the quick shipping. The shipping I selected waas 2-5 days, but it arrived in a day! Amazing. I heartily reccommend you ordering chocolates today! :)

Friday, October 1, 2010

I feel awful. I haven't been a good blog writer and I apologize to my faithful readers. My excuse? School. I have been buried in reading for class. Xo

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Who Knew?

I didn't think it was possible, but I do believe I have been burnt out on knitting. I have not knit a single stitch in over a week. I suppose it is because I was solely devoted to so many knitting projects and I forgot to take time for my other hobbies.

I had so many ideas for future knitting projects and I was so excited to start them that I began more projects than I could possibly finish this month.

I do not think this is a permanent condition, but I really do hope I find the urge to start knitting soon because I made this year my knitted Christmas. Yes, it is still a couple months before Christmas is here, but I have to finish an afghan, and a couple pair of socks. Plus I had plans for sweatshirts and other apparel.

Hmmm.....the thought of all that I have to do is leaving me slightly overwhelmed. Oh, if it were still summer than I could finish it all without a second thought. But it is now fall and I am starting school tomorrow, which means busy...busy...busy.

Well that is enough for now. I probably should get some much needed rest. My advice? Break up your knitting projects. Yes, knitting is wonderful, but it can lose its allure if you spend all your spare time knitting each stitch. Enjoy time with family and friends. Not to mention enjoy your other hobbies. Instead of knitting, maybe just read a pattern book? Or look for inspiration in your everyday outings or trips to museums, etc.

God bless and happy knitting!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Sometimes its good to remember childhood events and know that some people always have your back.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Haven't blogged in awhile but back in my apartment. Its weird to be back but good to have a break from drama. Now time to clean and organize. :)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Watching Hoarders and feeling good about my life. It is good to watch this show every now and then.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

I have started projects, put them aside & started again only 2 find the yarn used was discontinued. Always make sure 2 buy sufficient quantities of ur yarn!
Haven't had much energy to blog and I feel bad. But new stuff coming soon. Including a Halloween costume for baby. 8-D

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Really wishing knitting would pay the bills so I wouldnt have 2 stay n this house & b told its my responsibility 2 clean house. I thought women had rights now.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Its never 2 early 2 start thinking about Christmas. Especially if u have 2 get presents 4 a lot of people. Stick 2 ur budget 4 a stress free holiday. :)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Teach A Child To Knit

Readers, do you remember the first time you learned how to knit? If you were anything like me it was a magical moment the first time you knit a whole row by yourself. I wasn't a child when I learned how to knit. In fact, I was 15 years old, which is much older than a lot of people learn to knit.

I know many readers learned to knit from their mothers, grandmothers, or even aunts, but I learned from my sophomore English teacher. Mrs. Springer started a knitting club at my high school and encouraged everyone to come, not just the people that already knew how to knit. I remember how excited I felt when I finished my very first project, a hot pink scarf for my sister-in-law.

Having helped so many of my friends with their own knitting I also know the joy of teaching others to knit. It is a truly wonderful feeling to share something so special with another person. However, I know that teaching others can seem like a daunting task so here are a few tips:

  1. Find a quiet place to teach where you both can relax and enjoy the time together. It doesn't matter if that place is your own or the local coffee shop as long as you can relax and hear each other.
  2. Start the person with larger knitting needles. I recommend size 13 U.S. or size 50 U.S. if you are trying to teach a young child.
  3. Choose a light yarn in a 3 or 4 weight. A lighter yarn allows the person to be able to see the stitches better. A dark yarn can sometimes be confusing to a beginner. The thicker yarn is easier to work with and knits up faster, which is perfect for someone new to knitting.
  4. Begin with an easy project such as a scarf. The repetition is great for practicing stitches.
  5. I recommend teaching the person in the same way you learned because that method should be most comfortable to you and the easiest to learn. However, I suggest having additional methods on hand because everyone learns a different way. You can either use books you already have, check them out from the library, or have print outs from the Internet.
  6. Finally, be patient. Knitting probably didn't come naturally to you either.
I hope these tips help you to teach someone else to knit, but most importantly remember to have fun while you are teaching. If you are enjoying yourself than the other person is more likely to enjoy themselves.

God Bless and Happy Knitting!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Friday Night

I have so many thoughts running through my head that I can hardly think. Ironic, right? I am completely confident that a few hours of knitting will help unravel all my thoughts. Although I don't have anything new to post I am going to recommend a good read.

The Friday Night Knitting Club is a number 1 New York Times bestselling novel and the story of a group of women who meet at a yarn shop on Manhattan's Upper West Side. These women are all different ages, have different backgrounds, and have very different personalities. Despite their differences they end up forging an unbreakable bond of friendship.

Click on Friday Night Knitting Club for a link to the author's website for the book. Perhaps reading about the women's triumph over adversity will help me and you to sort through our own troubles.

God Bless and Happy Knitting!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Stuck waiting at a train station, but thankfully have my knitting with me. The knitting does make time go faster. 30 minutes til destination!
Organization is a good skill to have. Especially when you get called away unexpectedly. Storage bins & labels are essentials when I'm organizing.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Little Feet

Hopefully this blog posts correctly this time. I have been trying to post this for over a week now, but the pictures never seem to load correctly. Eye roll. Technology is not always a friend to man.
Yay! The pictures finally loaded! Cute Knits for Baby Feet is a wonderfully delightful book that has many adorable patterns for little feet. The pink baby booties pictured are actually not from this book, but a pattern of my own creation. But that is no reason not to feature an amazing baby knitting book.

These baby booties are part of my Afternoon of Knits collection. I knit up this pair in a single afternoon, which consisted of 4 work hours total. This was one of the easiest knitting projects I have ever made that wasn't a scarf. :)

I used size #5 US double-pointed knitting needles and Rainbow Sensations brushed yarn in Pink. I used a complimentary ribbon color to weave around the leg of each bootie. I do not know what type of ribbon was used here because it was scrap yarn from my stash. Having a stash of ribbon, yarn, and several other craft items is great.

I am going to post this pattern later on this week. Please be patient with me as I am still trying to work out all the kinks in my blog.

Happy Knitting and God Bless!
Inspiration is every where, although sometimes it can feel as if you'll never be inspired so don't be afraid to look every where to find inspirations.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

When creating your own knitting pattern it is helpful to have a sketch of the finished project as well as some written notes on hand when you start knitting.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Emergency roadside kit? Good. Emergency knitting stash? Better.
Happy knitting and God bless!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Head & Toes!

Head & Toes! by Gwen Steege is a wonderful book with 15 patterns for the little ones in your life. I absolutely love the pattern for the beret featured on the front cover. The pattern is very easy to follow and there are directions posted for 2 types of yarn. The scalloped edge adds a very feminine touch to a baby beret.

There are many more adorable patterns featured in this great book. I hope that you click the link and find out more information. It will be well worth your time.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The average foot length of a newborn baby is 3", but most booties have a finished size of 3 3/4". Something to keep in mind when knitting for tiny feet. :)
An organized knitter is a happy knitter. :-D

Monday, August 23, 2010

Check out the local thrift store. You can get yarn, knitting needles, & knitting books for cheap. I bought a knit mag for $0.10. 43 patterns for only $0.10!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Remember that knitting is a gift and like any gift you should share it with others.
Spread the joy of knitting.
God bless and happy knitting!!!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

When knitting in the round with multiple colors make sure to use the jogless jog. A technique illustrated today & used to make stripe height even.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Jogless Jog

Technique is every bit as important as the yarn or needles that you are using, but can sometimes be overlooked. I have met many knitters that have been afraid to branch out in their knitting because they were afraid of experimenting with different techniques. There is no reason for a knitter to be afraid of trying new techniques. The right technique can solve a knitting dilemma or add style to an ordinary garment.

Today I want to introduce a problem-solving technique. Avid knitters have probably noticed that when knitting in the round, with multiple colors, the different rows of colors are different lengths. This is actually because of how your knitting is worked when knit in the round. I discovered this technique in the book Holiday Knits, which is written by Sara Lucas and Allison Isaacs.

The following expert is taken from their book:

The “Jogless” Jog: One of us learned this from Meg Swansen’s column in one of the first knitting magazines we ever bought, so we always get a little thrill of discovery using it. When knitting in the round, you are actually working in a very shallow spiral. Thus, when you change colors, the first stitch and the last stitch of the round don’t line up exactly. This little un-invention corrects that. On the first stitch of the second round of the new color, pick up the odd colored stitch below the new colored stitch that is on the needle and knit the two together. This lengthens the old color stitch enough to bring it up level with the end of the last old colored row.

This simple technique can transform your knitting into something wonderful. I was thrilled to find this wonderful “un-invention” because I know the frustration many knitters have felt when they find their rows of color uneven. I had never known that knitting in the round is actually working in a very shallow spiral, which goes to show you even an experienced knitter can learn something new.

I encourage you to get your own copy of Sara Lucas’ and Allison Isaac’s book, Holiday Knits. Many of my readers are probably not ready to think about the holidays, which are still 3 months away, but this book is actually really fun and helpful. Holiday Knits is packed full of patterns focused on the holiday theme, but almost all of the patterns are easily adapted to fit any season. Plus all of the patterns are organized according to the length of time they will take to make. The patterns range from weekend projects to projects that will take at least two weeks or more.

This year Holiday Knits is my #1 source for holiday inspiration. I have even taken their advice and started knitting my projects for the holidays. The holidays can be the most stressful season for a knitter as winter brings a large demand for winter garments and that stress can be translated into your knitting. What is my suggestion for saving you from holiday stress? Don’t wait until the last minute to start your holiday projects. If you know that you are going to be busy with Christmas shopping and baking than take longer to finish your knitting. Most of us need to face the fact that we cannot do everything when it comes to the holidays and to make the most of the time we do have.

Happy knitting and God bless!

*tip*: Knitting n the correct gauge is a must if u dont want the sweater 4 ur uncle 2 come out small enough 2 fit ur baby. Take 5 minutes 2 check ur gauge. ;-)
Tonights tip is going 2 b early. Hectic day. Long wait @ the doctor & then long wait 4 my sister. Apparently she thinks we believe baseball gets over @ 1 am.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

I'm stuck waiting at the doctor. I'm bored out of my mind & wish I had something to knit. It would be nice if knitting was a more acceptable public habit. 8-|
< ng new.
2 am tip: Always buy sufficient quantities of yarn for your project even if dye lot is unimportant to you. The yarn could get discontinued. :-]
< I'm proud to announce I will be posting a new knitting tip for my readers every day at 2 am. So make sure to stay tuned for the tip at 2 to learn somethi

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My Sister's Purse

My younger sister adores all things Juicy Couture. For those of you who don't know, Juicy Couture has the latest styles for women, kids, handbags, shoes, jewelry, charms, accessories, and fragrances. Ok, that was taken from the store's website. I have never bought anything from Juicy, but my sister adores the store. She has the shoes, the tops, the jewelry, and the fragrance.

Juicy Couture is a high end clothing store. A LOVE TO SURF key chain at Juicy costs $48.00, but is on sale for $36.00. The point? Juicy is too rich for my blood. But my sister's birthday was coming up and she does adore Juicy. Because I love my sister I decided to use my creative talents and design a bag for my sister.

I modeled this knit bag after the traditional Juicy Couture shopping bag. I used Rainbow Sensations yarn in light pink and Lionbrand Suede yarn in mocha. I lined the inside with a light canvas print and made my own metal rim to support the purse.

I knit this bag in 5 pieces and sewed the pieces together. I chose to knit it in pieces because I wanted it to resemble the shopping bags at the store. But it would be easy to alter the pattern to knit in one piece. I intend to make more shopping bag purses, but until then I am keeping the pattern under wraps. ;) After sewing the bag together I embroidered the design on both sides. To avoid copy right infringements I made slight changes to the the Juicy design. After I was content with the design I sewed in the lining and added a pocket.

Here are the pictures. I hope you love it as much as my sister did.

Bottom Line?
This purse was fun and easy to make, but the best part? My sister got a one-of-a-kind original Juicy (A+W) purse. So don't let money stop you from creating a wonderful project for a loved one.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Basic Sitches for a Superb Sweater

I tried to post this yesterday from my mobile phone, but it didn't work. It sent the blog entry in 5 entries instead of 1. I'm sorry for the inconvience.

If you have ever shopped for an infant than you know how incredibly difficult it is to find a warm sweater or jacket for a baby under 12 months. Last year, my mom and I searched at least 10 stores before finding a sweater for my niece, who was 6 months at the time. We ended up buying the larger size so that her mom could layer her outfit. This year, with the arrival of my nephew, I decided it would be easier to just make his sweater.

I incorporated basic stitch # 3, which can be found in a previous posting, and basic stitch # 1. The ribbing created by stitch # 3 is brought out by the garter made with stitch 1. I began knitting this sweater in white yarn and accented it with blue. I chose white because when I started this sweater we weren’t sure what she was having. It was going to be all white, but I found out the sex before I finished.

The white yarn is Lionbrand Baby Pound of Love in White, which is lightweight enough for everyday use, while still warm. The blue yarn is Lionbrand Homespun in Sky Blue. Homespun is wonderfully soft yarn, but when knit on the same needles as the Pound of Love, is wider than the white. It is neither noticeable nor a problem that the blue is slightly wider than the white in the finished sweater.

I cannot wait for the little guy to finally be here to wear it, but until then a stuffed monkey will serve as the model. I think the monkey is charmingly handsome and he helps keep the sweater’s shape.

This sweater can be easily adapted to any child. Use pink instead of blue for a baby girl or a child’s favorite color if they are older. I absolutely adore this sweater and plan on making many more. If you or your loved ones live in a colder climate you might want to try a warmer yarn. Wool and other natural yarns provide natural warmth, but remember that wool will shrink and is the yarn used when felting. In situations where yarn content is unknown or shrinking is possible, knit a tension square and wash as you would the final project. Make sure you measure the tension square before washing so you have something to compare to.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Unexpected Surprises: Monkey or Panther?

I grew up watching the Carol Duvall Show, which aired on HGTV and DIY network, but was unfortunately canceled in 2003. Carol Duvall, in case you have never seen the show, always showcased different crafts in all kinds of mediums. On every show it seemed like Ms. Duvall had a sock monkey dressed according to the day’s theme, whether it be Fourth of July or Christmas. Old episodes of the Carol Duvall Show can still be seen online at HGTV.COM, DIYNETWORK.COM, and YOUTUBE.COM.

I loved the sock monkey and always wanted to create my own, but unfortunately still haven’t gotten around to it. Anyways, I loved the monkey design and decided to model my niece’s present off of her monkey. My niece is turning one next week and so this will be her birthday present. Thankfully she is still too young to read a blog and so her present will still be a surprise.

I had a little bit of difficulty with the actual knitting of the monkey because the needles I used were size US 3. Besides the size of the needles, which can be changed, the project worked up really quite easy. I chose to spread the project out over two days, but there is no reason why you wouldn’t be able to finish it in a day.

A typical stuffed monkey is usually two colors: cream and brown, but I decided to have a little fun with this monkey and instead used peach and white. All of the monkey’s body parts are worked separately thus making it a great project to start, stop, and start again. These types of projects are especially popular with busy knitters and those of us with short attention spans.

I was definitely eager to see the finished project, but was honestly surprised at the turn out. As I looked into the monkey’s eyes, I sighed deeply, realizing that the monkey looked more like Pink Panther, that adorable sneaky cat, in the old time cartoons. Old episodes of Pink Panther can still be seen on YOUTUBE.COM and HULU.COM. So you decide: is it a monkey or a panther?

That is the great part of knitting children’s toys. You have complete creative control. By changing the colors of a monkey to pink and white, I ended up creating something entirely new. Not to mention that children are going to invent their own stories so feel free to foster their creativity. I even added a dress to the monkey because it was going to a little girl. So there is no limit to the creative possibilities.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Inspired To Knit

Every design begins with inspiration. Knitwear designer Michele Rose Orne shares her secrets in Inspired to Knit, a collection of 21 patterns arranged by season. Michele finds inspiration in her surroundings and translates that inspiration into beautiful, original knitting projects. Her book is designed to help the reader find inspiration too. Four workshops allow you to gather ideas, create color patterns, sketch silhouettes to incorporate in future patterns. Envisioning a design is a wonderful place to begin any project, but having a sketch to look at is even better.

I personally have a sketch book in my knitting bag, my purse, and scattered throughout my house. A teacher, I had in elementary school, encouraged me to keep sketch pads around because you never know when you’ll find inspiration. Besides the sketch pad I also have a collection of inspiring photographs. These photographs can range from a sail boat to a swatch of fabric. Inspiration is everywhere.

Using the techniques in Michele’s book I created a collage of inspiration, sketches, and final design. My design is a top inspired by the feel of a sail boat on the water. It was easy to be inspired by this project. My readers will find that my sketches are far from artistic, but I hope that they will also find that the sketches don’t need to be anything special, just a general idea of the design. Getting started knitting is slightly trickier because you must decide stitch pattern, sizing, etc. But once you have decided all of this, with a little bit of planning, you can begin to try out your pattern.

I encourage you to obtain a copy of this book and allow it to feel you with creativity. I really enjoyed my nautical themed tank and I hope you will enjoy your own creations just as much.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Charmed, I'm Sure

I am so excited to be finally leaving the city for awhile. I am going to the beach for the weekend, which is why I have been too busy to post the last two days and probably won't be able to post again until Monday or Tuesday.

I have many new things to write about so we shall not be short on topics, but they unfortunately have to wait.
Yesterday I received some knitting books, all of which will be mentioned in future blogs, after I have had a chance to try out some of the projects.

However, I do want to spotlight one of these books now because it is absolutely amazing and I will be coming back to it after I have made a few of the patterns.

Charmed Knits: Projects for Fans of Harry Potter, by Alison Hansel, is a paperback knitting book published in May 7, 2007. Alison Hansel became a Harry Potter fan while she was on bed rest with her twins. When her twins were born she was inspired by Fred and George (from the books) to design knitting projects about the series. Just as J.K. Rowling was inspired by her daughter to write, so to was Alison Hansel inspired to blog by her sons and then to go on to publish a book.

As I said earlier I haven't had the pleasure of knitting any of her patterns, but I have already fallen in love with the book. I have been charmed by Harry Potter and I know many of my readers have been too. Being a Harry Potter fan I have browsed through several people's interpretations on many of the knitwear shown in the movies, but have usually always come up slightly disappointed. No one seemed to catch the style and magic of the outfits in the movie. Everyone seemed to have the knit graphs for the Hogwarts logo, but no sweaters or cloaks to put it on. This is where Alison Hansel is different. Her book actually replicates many of the outfits worn by the characters. From quiditich sweaters, to house scarves, and even Harry's golden snitch socks. Each creation looks like it was taken straight off the set of the newest Harry Potter movie.

Alison Hansel even designed an owl to sit on a child's shoulder. The patterns are easy to understand and each project has several beautifully taken photographs. It is easy to imagine your own interpretations of her work as you flip through the pages. Alison Hansel even lists the projects in terms of wizarding levels. A beginning knitter becomes a level 1 or 2 wizard. Each project has an introduction describing either the place it first appeared in the series or the inspiration for the design from the movie. These projects are sometimes like a walk down memory lane, especially if you haven't watched the first few Harry Potter movies in a while.

I think I have gushed about this book long enough as I want to leave some surprise for when you open the book for the first time. I encourage you to buy it as $10.19 is an excellent price for a knitting book, especially compared to the $30 list price of some. Enjoy your weekend, enjoy your purchase, and I will see you back here after I take my own spellbinding journey to the beach.

God Bless.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Childhood Is Calling

I have been busy making arrangements for my family and haven't had much time to knit. However, I am planning on seeing the new Toy Story movie, which has finally made it to theatres. Yay!

The premiere of Toy Story 3 is great because Disney is great, but also because childhood is a magical place. I recommend spending this week, and many more, on the magic of children. Remember your own childhood, re-watch old movies, and start knitting that magic into your children's clothes and play things.

Fairy Tale Knits, but A. Stewart-Guinee is a remarkable book that incorporates the magic of children's play into their clothing. And when you buy from you are sure to get a good deal.

Just thinking about this book and Toy Story 3 has already given me so many ideas. I cannot wait to get knitting and to share my creations with you.

And hopefully I will have time to post a new pattern tomorrow. :)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Basic Stitches Finale

Today is the last of the 12 basic stitches being shown. All of the previous stitches have been archived on this website. The stitches shown today are not as complex as stitches 7-9, but are still excellent stitches to incorporate in your knitting.

Stitch 10 –Shadow Box Pattern

The finished pattern looks exactly as the name sounds, there are indeed little boxes, and the pattern is worked in multiples of 5.

Row 1: knit.

Row 2: * knit 1, purl 4. Repeat from * across row.

Row 3: * knit 3, purl 2. Repeat from * across row.

Row 4:: *knit 3, purl 2. Repeat from * across row,

Row 5: *knit 1, purl 4. Repeat from * across row,

Row 6: knit.

Repeat these 6 rows for pattern. Work to desired length and bind off in pattern.

Stitch 11 – Seed (Moss) Stitch

Worked with any multiple of an uneven number,

Row 1: * knit 1, purl 1. Repeat from * across row, ending knit 1.

Repeat this row to form pattern, work until desired length, and bind off in pattern.

Stitch 12 – Double Seed (Moss) Stitch

Worked with number of stitches.

Row 1: *knit 1, purl 1. Repeat from * across row.

Row 2: repeat row 1,

Row 3: * purl 1, knit 1. Repeat from * across row.

Row 4: repeat row 3.

Repeat these 4 rows for pattern. Continue until desired length and bind off in pattern,

While these stitches may not seem as complex it is still a good idea to practice these as well as all of the stitches featured before adding them to any project. It is important to feel comfortable with a stitch before using it in a larger project. All of the stitches mentioned are just simple variations of the knit and purl stitches.

More complex stitches will be featured in upcoming blogs and they are sure to be award winners. I understand that these basic stitches are a lot to take in if you are a new knitter, which is why I have assembled a Getting Started knitting pamphlet, which will be posted in the Free Pattern section. This pamphlet is also a great reference guide for experience knitters so be sure to check it out.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Basic Stitches From An Activist

I intended on starting this blog with a message about human rights, but as I went to find the link about the Iranian woman, I found out that protesting has worked and she will not be stoned to death. I realize that some readers might not know about what is going on so here it is:

An Iranian woman was convicted of adultery at the same time two men were on trial for killing her husband. Another court, separate from the murder trial, convicted her of having an extramarital affair with the suspects in her husband's murder trial. She was convicted despite any evidence of an affair. She has already spent 5 years in prison and suffered 99 lashes (also known as flogging), but was still sentenced to be stoned to death. Stoning is a slow, gruesome punishment. The prisoner is shrouded is a cloth, reminiscent of a poncho, stuck in a hole, and buried up to their waist or breast before having stones thrown at them by the men surrounding their hole. Men are buried up their waist and women up to their breast. If the prisoner is able to break free from their hole then there death sentence is commuted, but women never break free.

The innocence of the woman resounds in the evidence, but mostly in the fact that her own son risked his life to save hers. He was able to sneak a letter out of Iran asking the world for help. The world responded in protests and it seems to have worked because the Iran Embassy in London says the stoning will not happen. However, that is all that has been said. There does not seem to be any more information. It is unclear if she will be set free or executed in another manner.

I urge each and every one of you, my readers, to be knowledgeable about the world around you and to do what you can to help a poor soul in need. That is all I am going to say about this manner and I thank you for taking the time to allow me to express my opinion. Now on to knitting. :)

The stitches spotlighted in today’s blog, while still considered basic, are much more complex than the first 6 stitches featured. Today we will learn a 3 color pattern stitch as well as too cable stitches.

Stitch 7 – 3 Color Pattern Stitch

The finished piece resembles a checkerboard pattern, but with 3 colors instead of 2, and is worked with multiples of 2,

Row 1: with color A only, * with yarn in front, slip 1 purl wise; with yarn in back, knit 1. Repeat from * across row.

Row 2: with color B only, * with yarn in back, slip 1 purl wise; with yarn in front, purl 1. Repeat from * across row.

Row 3L with color C, repeat row 1.

Row 4: with color A, repeat row 2.

Row 5: with color B, repeat row 1.

Row 6: with color C, repeat row 2.

Repeat these 6 rows for pattern and continue until your knitting has reached the desired length. Bind off continuing pattern.

Stitch 8 – Simple Cable

Cable knitting contains a twisted structure that appears as if someone had stopped mid-braiding and is worked in multiples of 16.

Row 1: (wrong side) * knit 4, purl 8, knit 4. Repeat from * across row.

Row 2: (correct side) *purl 4, knit 8, purl 4. Repeat from * across row.

Row 3: repeat row 1.

Row 4: repeat row 2.

Row 5: repeat row 1.

Row 6: (correct side) * purl 4, slip 4 to double-pointed needle (or a needle specifically designed for cabling), hold in back, knit 4, knit 4 from double-pointed needle, purl 4. Repeat from * across row.

Repeat rows 1-6 for cable pattern and work until desired length. Bind off in pattern.

Stitch 9 – Horseshoe Cable

There will now be two cables seen instead of the single cable seen in the previous stitch. This stitch is also worked in multiples of 16.

Row 1: (correct side) * purl 2, knit 12, purl 2. Repeat from * across row.

Row 2: * knit 2, purl 12, knit 2. Repeat from * across row.

Row 3: repeat row 1.

Row 4: repeat row 2.

Row 5: * purl 2, slip 3 to double-pointed needle and hold in back, knit 3 from double-pointed needle, slip 3 to double-pointed needle and hold in front, knit 3, knit 3 from double-pointed needle, purl 2. Repeat from * across row.

Row 6: repeat row 2.

Row 7: repeat row 1.

Row 8: repeat row 2.

Row 9: repeat row 1.

Row 10: repeat row 2.

Repeat these 10 rows to form pattern and continue until desired length is reached. Bind off in pattern.

These stitches will give you plenty to practice, but are definitely worth the extra time. Don’t forget to check back to tomorrow, as the last of the basic stitches will be shown. these last stitches include two types of seed (moss stitches) and a shadow box stitch.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Basic Stitches From A Stressed Knitter

Today is a prime example of why I need to stay at my apartment until my sister moves out of the house. She is 17 years old but still cannot be talked to when she is tired because she gets cranky and WILL cry like an infant. If ever there were a poster child for discipline it would be her. She is spoilt beyond belief, constantly in trouble, and a nightmare to live with. I only come home because I am still in a transition stage with half my stuff at home and half at my apartment. I am not bothering to move the stuff yet because the apartment is in no way permanent. It is just a temporary residence while I am going to school. Not that any of this is relevant to readers. Although it is a strong reminder of why it is nice to have your own space to work in. If you can I heartily suggest turning a spare bedroom or walk-in closet into a craft room/ office. It is always nice to have a space that you can retire to when you need some alone time or just want to get some work done. Regardless of my location, knitting is the one constant, and provides shelter when I cannot stand my loving situation any longer. Knitting allows for the passive release of thoughts and stress.

The passive release of stress, today, took place in the beginning of a cardigan for my step-sister’s baby. This is not the same sister living at home. This is the sister, previously mentioned, pregnant with her second child. As previously mentioned, the baby is a little boy, who will be here in late October/ early November. This cardigan is designed with a preppy feel in bind and is a mix of white and blue. I even incorporated two of the stitches mentioned yesterday, the garter and the ribbing stitch. I am eager to finish this cardigan and am excited to see the final product on him.

I want to finish this blog with 3 more stitches for my readers to try. I hope you will enjoy these next stitches and will not be afraid to incorporate some of them in your own knitting.

Stitch 4 – Reverse Stockinette Stitch

This pattern reminds me of horizontal rows of zig zags and can be worked using any number of stitches.

Row 1: knit

Row 2: purl

Repeat rows 1 & 2 until the piece reaches the desired length. Bind off in pattern.

***The difference between this stitch and the traditional Stockinette stitch is that in the reverse stitch the Purl side of stitch becomes the correct side of pattern.

Stitch 5 – Reverse Garter Stitch Rib

The finished product produces much more pronounced ribbing than with stitch 3 and is worked in multiples of 4.

Row 1: *knit 2, purl 2. Repeat from * across row.

Row 2: knit

Repeat rows 1-2 to produce pattern and continue in this manner until the desired length. Bind off in pattern.

Stitch 6 – Ribbing, Part II

This pattern creates a wider ribbing than seen with stitch 3 and is worked in multiples of 4.

Row 1: knit

Row 2: *knit 2, purl 2. Repeat from * across row.

Repeat rows 1-2 until desired length is reached and bind off in pattern.

Check back tomorrow for 3 more stitches and don’t forget to practice the stitches you learned today.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Basic Stitches From Awful Writer

I feel myself an awful blog writer because I have not been writing as often as I should. This is mainly because I am in a different living situation then I was previously and do not have nearly as much access to the Internet and for that I am sorry. But I also have been trying to finish a project for every blog, but I cannot seem to make my fingers work fast enough for a project completed every day, well not when I have other things to do as well. So I am going to devote the next several blogs, with a few exceptions, to outlining pattern stitches you might come across or would like to try, as well as spotlighting new things in the knitting community.

There are 12 basic pattern stitches used, but I will only be introducing 3 of them today. These first stitches are commonly used and are probably well-known with many knitters. I am not trying to insult anyone’s intelligence and mean for this blog to be purely a technical reference to new knitters.

Stitch 1 – Garter Stitch

Finished knitting appears in several horizontal rows and can be worked using any number of stitches.

Row 1: knit

Repeat row 1 until knitting has reached the desired length, Bind off in pattern.

Stitch 2-Stockinette Stitch (st st)

This pattern creates a series of valleys or v’s and can be worked using any number of stitches.

Row 1: knit

Row 2: purl

Repeat rows 1-2 until knitting has reached desired length. Bind off in pattern. The knit side of st st is also known as the right or correct side of pattern.

Stitch 3 – Ribbing

This pattern creates a ribbing effect by mixing knit and purl stitches together throughout your pieces and is worked in multiples of 2.

Row 1: knit

Row 2: *knit 1, purl 1. Repeat from * across row.

Repeat these 2 rows until knitting has reached the desired length. Bind off in pattern. This pattern also has a right and a wrong side. The right side will be the knit side, where the pattern can be seen, while the wrong side will resemble garter stitch.

As you can see, none of these stitch patterns are hard to make. If you are new to knitting then I would encourage you to first practice these stitches in a tension square before attempting a pattern that calls for these stitches. For those knitters, who do not know, a tension square is a swatch of yarn knit up in order to test gauge and can also be washed in order to see how any knitting projects would fare before knitting. This is good to know because some yarns will shrink up in the wash. A tension square can be any size but gauge is usually checked using an area of 4 x 4. You can always undo these squares after you have finished them. I recommend, if you are planning on undoing the square, to take a quick snapshot so you can recall what a particular stitch looks like later. Although with the popularity of knitting today you can probably find pictures of these stitches online.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Fresh Start

Things have been hectic the last few days and I have not had ample opportunities to write sufficiently for my readers. I apologize for the neglect. Due to several circumstances I am behind on many of my projects and do not have much to write about. However, I am starting fresh with you, my readers.

Today's blog is going to be short as I am applying for jobs while writing and should focus on the job hunt. It is more relevant to my daily comfort and eating. :)

Starting tomorrow I am embarking on a short journey through the basic stitches available and seen in most patterns. The journey will span over 4 days of stitches with a few days in between of new projects and updates.

It might not be too exciting at first, but I think there are a lot of pattern stitches out there and many readers might want to expand in their knitting experience.

Hope all is well with my readers. While you wait for the next post, be sure to check out Simply Baby by Debbie Bliss, featuring 20 special handknits for baby's first two years.

Friday, June 25, 2010

St. George

Today's knitting journey is a St. George's Flag Throw. This journey had its challenges as well as its rewards. I am only sharing the challenges because I think it makes the rewards all that sweeter.

The St. George's Flag throw began with a vision after a horrific incident. My boyfriend's grandfather had a massive stroke a few weeks ago. The doctors all said he wouldn't survive a week. Don't worry, he is doing much better now. I have to give the man credit, he is a fighter. He was able to leave the hospital much sooner than they expected and is continuing with his recovery. We are all relieved at the turn of events. Never the less, our story starts with him.

I should probably reveal that I am not popular with my boyfriend's family despite my best efforts and two years of dedication to him. It is sad that my boyfriend alone cannot be enough to find common grounds over, but alas that is what it is. Because of these feelings both parties distanced themselves early on in the relationship. Basically I started this knitting journey with little attachment to his grandpa. It is not that I dislike the guy, but I already know him and in all honesty I have only ever seen him twice.

I suppose everyone is wondering why I would commit my time, energy, and money into a project for someone I don't even know and the answer is love. I invested into this throw for him because I love my boyfriend and his grandpa means the world to him.

I readily embraced the challenge of knitting a flag because for years I have invisioned many great designs, but never seemed to put them into action. In fact, the only projects I ever finish are those meant for other people. I hate deadlines, but I have to admit they can be useful. A looming deadline keeps me focused on the knitting task at hand. Without a deadline I end up starting more projects before I finish the first one. I just get so caught up in wanting to start a new pattern or I have to try a delightful yarn I bought that finishing a task seems impossibly long.

This flag represented a new start for me. The chance to branch out in my knitting and try my hand at designing patterns.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

It's A Boy!

Yesterday I watched my adorable little niece while my step sister was at her doctor's appointment. The good news: she is having a little boy and he is doing great.

In honor of the little guy, I have made these mittens using a multi-color yarn. I really liked the varying shades of blues with the brown.

I am looking forward to knitting more little gifts for the new addition.

Do you have any good ideas for baby gifts?
In the meantime check out this adorable knitting book, Baby Knits: 20 Handknit Designs for Babies 0-24 Months.  This book has many wonderful ideas for those tiny knits. Check it out and be sure to post. :)

Monday, June 21, 2010

Patterns & Where You Can Get Them

Free patterns. A hot topic for all knitters, new and old. Everyone loves to get a good deal and loves it even more when they can get something great for free. If you are fond of reading knitting blogs than you are in luck, for two reasons.

If you read this blog than you know that I offer free patterns, more to be added soon, in the Free Patterns tab, but you are also going to receive insight into where you can get even more free patterns. Other knitting blogs usually offer free patterns as well so be sure to browse around Google for other blogs.

But not many of us have time to devote to several blogs everyday so a smaller search database would be beneficial for the rest of us. Yarn brands almost always offer tons of free patterns and all you have to do is sign up for a membership. Memberships to these sites allow you access to their community and you can opt out of all membership emails.

Lionbrand, Bernat, Lily, and Red Heart offer thousands of free patterns on their websites. You can also browse JoAnn's and Michael's websites for free patterns too, these websites do not require a membership. Bottom line: free patterns are out there on the Internet.

You can also check out knitting books at your local library. There are many books to choose from, but you are on a time limit. This is a good solution for fast knitters.

I apologize for a shorter blog this week, but I still have some housework to do before my adorable little niece comes to play for the afternoon. Hope the rest of your day is blessed.

Knit on and God bless~

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Every knitter knows that a well-prepared knitting bag leads to even more enjoyable knitting. When you know you don't have to stop, mid-project, to grab some supply you are more likely to kick back and enjoy each stitch.

Besides your yarn and needles, there are a few more important supplies needed. These supplies might not be needed for every project, but it is useful to have them handy just in case.

While the Interweave Press Work In Progress Journal would not be considered an essential, I highly recommend including it or something similar in your bag. This softcover journal, made in the USA, consists of 112 pages. Half of these pages are blank and the rest are knitter's graph paper. The blank pages are great for making notes about patterns you are working on, yarn choice, or even sketching out your own ideas. Knitter's graph paper is slightly different from traditional graph paper and is especially useful in preparing color motifs and mapping out designs. You can find this book, and others like it, on  If you would rather not buy this journal I suggest including some type of notebook or journal in your knitting bag as they are highly useful.

Other essential supplies are yarn needles, buttons, crochet hook, cable needle, straight pins with colored tops, a small pair of scissors, stitch holders, and needle toppers. Yarn needles resemble sewing needles, but they are much larger in size, in order to accommodate the large size of most yarns. These needles come in several different sizes, but you only need one or two of these needles. I like to have a few of these needles on hand in case I have misplaced the one I was using. If you are more organized than you might only need one. I like to include a crochet hook in my bag because I find the hook handy for picking up dropped stitches and for weaving in the loose ends after you have finished knitting your project.

A cable needle is only useful if you actually incorporate the cable stitch. If you don't use the cable method than you don't really need to include this tool in your knitting bag. Straight pins are useful for when blocking your knitting. You should use the colored top pins instead of the traditional silver straight pins because the silver pins can and will get lost in your knitting. Stitch holders, they look like giant safety pins, are great for holding your stitches while knitting your project. Some patterns ask you to transfer stitches onto these holders while you continue working on another piece of the project. Traditional safety pins can be used for smaller amounts of stitches.

Needle toppers are a knitter's best friend. Toppers come in many shapes and sizes and fit snug on the tops of your needles. I find these especially useful when I am knitting with a large number of stitches or using double pointed needles. I even made some of my own using jewelry clay. I made the jewelry clay using equal parts of cornstarch, flour, salt, and some warm water. First you mix the dry ingredients together and slowly add warm water until the clay forms. Then you just sculpt the clay into your desired design. Once formed I inserted a knitting needle into the form to make a whole for the needle. You can then let the clay forms air dry for a few days or bake in the oven for a few minutes. If you decide to bake in the oven, make sure you keep a close eye on your clay forms. The finished clay forms were slightly fragile, not a good choice for daily use, but stabilized when I added coats of paint. Making my own needle toppers was a fun weekend project, but I don't recommend this to everyone. It was a lot of work and I don't really know how long they will hold up for.

Put these tools in their own case and include in your knitting bag. Next time you start knitting you will find yourself smiling, knowing that you have everything you need.

Be prepared and be happy.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Building on the Basics

The Cool Girl's Guide to Knitting, by Nicki Trench, was given to me several years ago when I first started knitting. I found, and still do, find this book to be very helpful. I have made many of the patterns listed in this book, such as a dog sweater for a puppy, a bikini for my best friend, and several flowers, which make adorable adornments to other knitting projects.

This book has several basic patterns, which can be built upon by you. These patterns provide the perfect opportunity to express your creativity and to practice your hand at pattern writing. I have decided to share a few of my past projects and present ideas to help get your creative juices started.

1920's Cloche Hat
Made for and wore by my niece, Lejla.
This baby hat was worked in three colors: maroon, light pink, and white. While I don't remember the exact number of stitches I cast on, the general pattern is listed below.
Cast on the desired number of stitches using maroon yarn. Knit in this color until the piece measures an inch. Switch to the light pink yarn and knit for an additional inch. Then add the white yarn in and finish knitting the hat in this color.
***It is important to note that you need to add colors on the same side to prevent a hem-look with the yarn being added and taken away.
I then knit a flower, using the pattern provided in The Cool Girl's Guide to Knitting, in the maroon yarn and a smaller flower (do this by decreasing the number of stitches used for each petal) in light pink. I then finished off this floral adornment by sewing the pieces, through the middle, with white yarn and attached this to the finished hat.

Shell-Tastic Bikini Top
This project began with the bikini top pattern in The Cool Girl's Guide to Knitting with additions added by me. Unfortunately I do not have a picture of this project, but I remember roughly what I did. I quickly knit up the bikini top in a plain black yarn. I then used a light brown (mixture of several shades of brown) yarn to crochet a border around the triangle pieces of the top. I then took shell beads and added then to a piece of yarn, which was used to hold the triangle pieces to each other.
***These additions were not complex, but they added a lot to an already great pattern.

St. George's Hoodie
This is a current project, designed for someone special.
I am using the existing pattern for the Unisex Hoodie listed in this book. Instead of using three different colors, I am only using Jiffy True Red yarn. I plan on this hoodie knitting up fairly easy, but the real fun is in the finishing. The plan is to create a pocket on the front of the hoodie, which will be a mini replica of the St. George flag. I am still considering whether I will line the hoodie in a soft fabric that compliments the overall design.
Pictures of this project will be posted upon finishing.

I just gave you three ideas on how you can use patterns from The Cool Girl's Guide to Knitting as a starting point for your own project. While it is perfectly fine to follow the patterns exactly as listed in the book, it is also easy to add your own additions.

Have fun and get crafting!


What makes a hero?

This question is often asked and the answer is just as often disputed. Webster's Dictionary defines hero as a man admired for his achievements and noble qualities, and one that shows great courage. A hero, to me, is someone (man, woman, or child) who exhibits great courage during times of enduring strength. This could not be better expressed than in the United States Military.

The men and women in the military VOLUNTARILY leave their families to travel to an unknown land, often a place with horrible living conditions, to protect the way of life Americans love so much. That in itself is admirable, but to do all this and then exhibit further courage when a gun is aimed at them, that makes them heroes.

So, how can we help these heroes?

Through our knitting, of course. In World War I and II the American Red Cross distributed pamphlets to women. These pamphlets provided knitting instructions to make socks and mittens for soldiers. Here is the link to the American Red Cross Museum, where you can find knitting patterns, So I go on to suggest that we, as knitters, use our gifts to reach out to the men and women of the armed services.

We can help by knitting hats, gloves, and socks for the soldiers. These little knitted gifts can bring smiles to the soldiers' faces. Just that thought alone brings a smile to my face.

I post this now, even though we are entering the summer months, because I am hoping to inspire you to start knitting a few things now. Knitting these wonderful gifts now ensures that you will be ready for the coming winter months and they will be too.

If you would rather contribute something now, consider getting in touch with an organization designed to send care packages to soldiers. Talk with friends, chances are they know someone you can help in the military. And if you know a solider who needs some extra love or have more suggestions to help soldiers be sure to post more information.


"Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God." -Hebrews 13:16

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Creative Solutions

Stress. One word describes it all. Really no more are needed. You tell someone that you are stressed and they immediately feel sympathy, possibly remembering their own feelings the last time they were stressed.

Today was stressful. I had a final at 8 am, which is unpleasant in itself, but then when I finished I realized I missed the bus home and had to wait, on campus, in the cold for the next bus. I finally made it home to a fight with my boyfriend. Fights with loved ones are never fun, but the hardest part is that we were both trying so hard to be heard that we ended up hearing nothing the other person said. Then I had to go back to campus for another final, which was annoying more than anything.

At the end of the day I just wanted to curl up with my knitting and enjoy some television. Everything was going great until I looked down at my knitting and realized that a stitch had been dropped some rows back. I'll admit, there was a moment of panic, or maybe two, but I just had to sigh, take a deep breath, and strategize.

What was I to do? It seems obvious, right, something every knitter begrudgingly knows. You just have to suck it up and unwind the beautifully knitted rows. At this point those rows become the most intricate part of the whole piece, they are so beautiful that you will never be able to duplicate them, and you completely have forgotten that only 5 seconds before you were criticizing those very same rows. Life is funny that way. Beauty is always found when its presence is threatened.

But I didn't unwind the rows. It was much too cruel a task. I was literally half way through my afghan and onto a new color. I did not, would not, face destroying those few precious rows. Fortunately I didn't have to. The dropped stitch was the very last stitch on the row, it must have slipped off of my needle when I put it down for a moment. Instead of going back to re-knit the work right, I improvised. Taking another needle, of similar size, I crochet along the edge, from the dropped stitch all the way to the new color. I then switched colors and worked up to where I had left off. Instead of binding off the stitch, I simply added it back to the knitting.

My point? Life WILL throw you curve balls, but you have to learn to roll with them. They might even turn out to not be so bad in the end. There will always be people telling you there is a right way to do things, but I say ignore the nay-sayers, be creative, and find your own solution.


The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms. (Deuteronomy 33:27)