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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Who Knew?

I didn't think it was possible, but I do believe I have been burnt out on knitting. I have not knit a single stitch in over a week. I suppose it is because I was solely devoted to so many knitting projects and I forgot to take time for my other hobbies.

I had so many ideas for future knitting projects and I was so excited to start them that I began more projects than I could possibly finish this month.

I do not think this is a permanent condition, but I really do hope I find the urge to start knitting soon because I made this year my knitted Christmas. Yes, it is still a couple months before Christmas is here, but I have to finish an afghan, and a couple pair of socks. Plus I had plans for sweatshirts and other apparel.

Hmmm.....the thought of all that I have to do is leaving me slightly overwhelmed. Oh, if it were still summer than I could finish it all without a second thought. But it is now fall and I am starting school tomorrow, which means busy...busy...busy.

Well that is enough for now. I probably should get some much needed rest. My advice? Break up your knitting projects. Yes, knitting is wonderful, but it can lose its allure if you spend all your spare time knitting each stitch. Enjoy time with family and friends. Not to mention enjoy your other hobbies. Instead of knitting, maybe just read a pattern book? Or look for inspiration in your everyday outings or trips to museums, etc.

God bless and happy knitting!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Sometimes its good to remember childhood events and know that some people always have your back.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Haven't blogged in awhile but back in my apartment. Its weird to be back but good to have a break from drama. Now time to clean and organize. :)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Watching Hoarders and feeling good about my life. It is good to watch this show every now and then.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

I have started projects, put them aside & started again only 2 find the yarn used was discontinued. Always make sure 2 buy sufficient quantities of ur yarn!
Haven't had much energy to blog and I feel bad. But new stuff coming soon. Including a Halloween costume for baby. 8-D

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Really wishing knitting would pay the bills so I wouldnt have 2 stay n this house & b told its my responsibility 2 clean house. I thought women had rights now.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Its never 2 early 2 start thinking about Christmas. Especially if u have 2 get presents 4 a lot of people. Stick 2 ur budget 4 a stress free holiday. :)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Teach A Child To Knit

Readers, do you remember the first time you learned how to knit? If you were anything like me it was a magical moment the first time you knit a whole row by yourself. I wasn't a child when I learned how to knit. In fact, I was 15 years old, which is much older than a lot of people learn to knit.

I know many readers learned to knit from their mothers, grandmothers, or even aunts, but I learned from my sophomore English teacher. Mrs. Springer started a knitting club at my high school and encouraged everyone to come, not just the people that already knew how to knit. I remember how excited I felt when I finished my very first project, a hot pink scarf for my sister-in-law.

Having helped so many of my friends with their own knitting I also know the joy of teaching others to knit. It is a truly wonderful feeling to share something so special with another person. However, I know that teaching others can seem like a daunting task so here are a few tips:

  1. Find a quiet place to teach where you both can relax and enjoy the time together. It doesn't matter if that place is your own or the local coffee shop as long as you can relax and hear each other.
  2. Start the person with larger knitting needles. I recommend size 13 U.S. or size 50 U.S. if you are trying to teach a young child.
  3. Choose a light yarn in a 3 or 4 weight. A lighter yarn allows the person to be able to see the stitches better. A dark yarn can sometimes be confusing to a beginner. The thicker yarn is easier to work with and knits up faster, which is perfect for someone new to knitting.
  4. Begin with an easy project such as a scarf. The repetition is great for practicing stitches.
  5. I recommend teaching the person in the same way you learned because that method should be most comfortable to you and the easiest to learn. However, I suggest having additional methods on hand because everyone learns a different way. You can either use books you already have, check them out from the library, or have print outs from the Internet.
  6. Finally, be patient. Knitting probably didn't come naturally to you either.
I hope these tips help you to teach someone else to knit, but most importantly remember to have fun while you are teaching. If you are enjoying yourself than the other person is more likely to enjoy themselves.

God Bless and Happy Knitting!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Friday Night

I have so many thoughts running through my head that I can hardly think. Ironic, right? I am completely confident that a few hours of knitting will help unravel all my thoughts. Although I don't have anything new to post I am going to recommend a good read.

The Friday Night Knitting Club is a number 1 New York Times bestselling novel and the story of a group of women who meet at a yarn shop on Manhattan's Upper West Side. These women are all different ages, have different backgrounds, and have very different personalities. Despite their differences they end up forging an unbreakable bond of friendship.

Click on Friday Night Knitting Club for a link to the author's website for the book. Perhaps reading about the women's triumph over adversity will help me and you to sort through our own troubles.

God Bless and Happy Knitting!