Happy New Year's Eve!
In honor of today I thought I would take the time to think about some new year's resolutions for my knitting and my blog. I also want to encourage you to think about your own new year's resolutions for your own knitting. Is there a stitch you always wanted to learn? Do you have unfinished projects that have been cast aside? Is there something you have always wanted to make? If you answered yes to any of the following questions than this is the blog for you and the year to make a knitting resolution. There is so much I have wanted to accomplish with my own knitting, but I always seem to be able to find an excuse for why now is not the time. I think we can all relate to making excuses, but I want this year to be our year, we WILL come out on top.
For 2011, I am making two New Year's Knitting Resolutions, or NYKR for short. As I mentioned in the last post there is so much that I hope to accomplish for this blog and its readers. I was hoping to already have everything worked out and to just be able to blog away at a regular interval, but life always seems to happen. This year there will be no more excuses. I will transform this blog into everything I had ever hoped it to be. However, until then please excuse the scrambled mess of everything. Hopefully I will have everything worked out by the end of January. I will post more about these changes in a little while, but first my second NYKR.
My second New Year's Knitting Resolution is to knit more charity projects. I subscribe to many charity knitting websites, blogs, etc, but I have to admit that I have not done my part. I have started a few projects, but always ended up on a project for a friend or family member. But after all the knitting I did for everyone in 2010, I am making 2011 about those who really need it. Specifically I am looking into charity knitting for the military and for various ages at the local children's hospital. These are two charities that personally touch my heart the strongest, but they are not the only charities I intend on helping this year.
I know some of you have been wondering what 2011 has in store for this blog, especially in light of all this transformation talk. I am really excited about some of the changes I am going to make. First I will be posting many more patterns up that will be available for download. I will also be re posting the Getting Started booklet for beginning knitters and the Inside My Knitting Bag graphic, which will hopefully help new knitters. I will also readdress various pattern stitches and post written instructions for them as well. I am also going to change pattern identification as well.
Patterns will be listed according to three categories: One Day Wonders (ODW), Weekend Adventures (WA), and Commitment Junky (CJ). Projects are not included in the sections based on physical working time lapsed between beginning and end. I have found that most people are unable to knit for more than a couple of hours at a time. Thus, the sections are divided according to how much one can accomplish while also doing other things. One Day Wonders are projects that take a day or less to complete. These projects will typically be projects that you can complete in a few hours. Weekend Adventures take a little more time, but are not necessarily more complex, just longer. Commitment Junky projects are projects that you have to commit to, which may be anywhere from a week to a couple of months. I understand that all knitters knit differently, but these projects are divided according to the theory that you will only be able to knit a few hours a day.
There are two more changes I would like to make to the blog, but I am not 100% sure if I will actually make the changes. First, I am looking into recording some video tutorials that will feature One Day Wonder projects as well as stitch explanations. I do not know if I will have enough time to record, edit, and post these videos, but it is something I would like to be able to offer. I also would like to extend this blog to include all crafts, not just knitting, because I know many of us are crafty in all parts of our life. Personally I do many crafts and I would like to make it available to other people as well. Anyways, I better get back to work, but I wanted to include you all in this process. I should hopefully be able to post a project up later on today or tomorrow.
So, how about you? What are some of your NYKRs? Please feel free to post them in the comment section listed below. I believe knitters, as all people, should encourage and help others accomplish their goals.
Happy New Year's and Happy Knitting!!!